
New Gland Calculator Tool at applerubber.com

An O-ring must be deformed to function properly. In fact, an O-ring that is not squeezed in its application is the wrong O-ring.

To verify you have chosen the right O-ring for you application, use our NEW O-Ring Gland Calculator.

It is easy to use. Just select the seal and application type, input your bore, piston, and groove diameters, and the O-rings inside diameter (ID) and cross section (C/S).  The O-ring calculator will show you the % compression, stretch, squeeze, extrusion gap and minimum groove width (with a 10% swell assumed).  The recommended % compression is 10-40% (static), 10-30% (dynamic) and the % stretch is 1-5% (when stretch is required).

The tool also offers the ability to email your results to a colleague and export them to a PDF file all with the click of a button.

We are always glad to hear your opinions, so be sure to fill in the feedback form to let us know how we are doing.

View all the new tools and charts available to you at the new and improved applerubber.com