Author Archives: admin

Category:Industry Trends

6 Manufacturing Automation Myths

The number of industrial robots will jump by 10 percent annually in the world’s top 25 export nations through 2025. The current growth rate? Only 2 or 3 percent — proving how rapidly this technology is going to start hitting the industry. Along with industrial automation comes some hesitation. Let’s take a look at six common myths about automation manufacturing.

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Category:Industry Trends

Additive Manufacturing: Case Study by Industry

In just 10 years, additive manufacturing has grown from almost nothing to more than 28 percent of the total global product and service revenues of the manufacturing industry. Let’s take a look at some individual case studies from five of today’s biggest industries.

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Category:Industry Trends

How 3D Printing is Transforming Space Travel

As 3D printing shapes the direction of healthcare, medicine, aviation, sports, biotechnology and other industries, we can now see how this new technology is changing the final frontier. Near the end of June, the European Space Agency is set to send its first 3D printer to the International Space Station.

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