Author Archives: applerubber

About applerubber

Apple Rubber Products Inc. is a leading designer and manufacturer of O-rings, rubber seals, and custom sealing devices. Whether you need a standard Make AS-568C rubber O-ring, a complex Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) prototype seal or medical-grade seals and parts, we have the sealing capabilities to deliver the sealing solution you need. Our ISO-9001:2008 certified manufacturing facilities feature transfer, compression and liquid injection molding, Aerospace certification ISO-9100B, and a Class 10,000, ISO Class 7, certified cleanroom. To seal it right, get your O-rings and seals right from Apple.


Can you guess the elastomeric material based on the following characteristics?

Water swell resistance
Low Abrasion resistance
Low Tear resistance
Steam resistance
Adhesion to metals with a self bonding additive
Low compression set
Durometer Shore A range of 5-80
Temperature range -85ºF to +400ºF

Tweet your answer to @applerubber and include the hashtag #ARPanswer.

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Category:Top Story

Top Story: Cleanroom Certification

We’re growing – again! We have expanded our Class 10,000 ISO Class 7, Certified Cleanroom at our corporate headquarters in Lancaster, NY. This is a reflection of Apple Rubber Products’ commitment to meeting increased demands from our customers.

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Category:Ask the Experts

Ask the Experts: How Can Compression Set Cause a Seal to Fail?

Sometimes an elastomeric material fails to return to its original size after release from a constant compressive load. The amount of material that fails to return to its original size is called a compression set. This type of failure is common to both static and dynamic seals. Compression set failure produces flat surfaces on both sides of the O-ring’s cross-section, which reduces its sealing potential.

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