Apple Blog

Category:Industry Trends

7 Certifications That Can Help Boost Your Manufacturing Career

Obtaining a professional certification isn’t a requirement for manufacturers, but it does help professionals stay up to date on industry trends, enhance their education and boost careers. Want to find out which manufacturing certification is right for you? In order to jumpstart your search, we’ve compiled seven of our favorites.

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Category:Industry Trends

How Some of the Top Manufacturing Companies are Using AI

Manufacturing isn’t what it used to be. Which isn’t a bad thing. But it could prove difficult to keep up to date with the latest industry trends if we don’t keep an open mind. And though we look to embrace digital technology, one trend in particular should be our focus: artificial intelligence. Let’s take a look at what some businesses have already done.

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Category:Industry Trends

How to be an Effective Manufacturing Manager

Here at Apple Rubber, we believe it never hurts to have a reminder of our objectives. We also believe in helping others achieve their management goals. That’s why we put together this piece of tips on how to be an effective manufacturing manager.

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