Apple Blog

Category:Ask the Experts

Ask the Experts: How Can Compression Set Cause a Seal to Fail?

Sometimes an elastomeric material fails to return to its original size after release from a constant compressive load. The amount of material that fails to return to its original size is called a compression set. This type of failure is common to both static and dynamic seals. Compression set failure produces flat surfaces on both sides of the O-ring’s cross-section, which reduces its sealing potential.

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Category:Rules of Thumb

Rules of Thumb: #1-6

Welcome to the first post in our Rules of Thumb series. Reading these rules will supply you with a greater knowledge and understanding of sealing principles. Here are our first few tips to consider when it comes to installing and maintaining the life of your O-ring:

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Category:Top Story

Top Story: Real Winners

Our “Seal Searching” full-page advertisement ranked as one of the highest scoring ads in an AIM Readership Survey that measures advertising interest among design engineers.

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