Composite Seals

The Simple Solution for Tough Applications

Precision-engineered composite seals integrate a sealing element with auxiliary components into a single unit, optimizing installation efficiency and minimizing assembly costs. These components incorporate complex geometries such as elastomers bonded to metallic substrates, plastic materials, or filtration materials. Composite seals streamline your design by consolidating multiple elements into a unified structure, enhancing dimensional accuracy, and eliminating the need for separate seal-to-component integration processes.

Optimized Sealing Technology

The direct vulcanization of elastomeric seals to complementary metallic or polymeric substrates results in many technical advantages, including:

  • Design optimization: Consolidation of multiple components into a single, integrated unit
  • Enhanced dimensional stability: Mitigation of tolerance stackup
  • Elimination of seal-to-component integration: Reduction of defect sources and associated costs

Whether it's a new project or re-engineering of an existing part, Apple Rubber offers comprehensive support from conceptualization through prototyping to full-scale production.

Compatible Substrate Material Options

  • Steel
  • Brass
  • Stainless
  • Nylon
  • PPS

For more information on custom-engineered composite seals, please contact Apple Rubber's technical support team.